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Media Work
Media Resource List
—Books, Audio and Video Tapes and CDs
Making the News—A Guide for Nonprofits and Activists by Jason Salzman, Westview Press, $16.95, Call 800-343-4499 to order, Updated June, 2003
Prime Time Activism—Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing by Charlotte Ryan, South End Press $12.00, 295 pages, Copyright 1991
Media How-To Guidebook from Media Alliance, Call 415-441-4067 to order. $9.00, 95 pages, Copyright 1991
The Zen of Hype by Raleigh Pinskey, A Citadel Press Book, $10.95, 171 pages, Copyright 1991. Worth reading as it gives a public relations perspective.
Guerilla Marketing Attack by Jay Conrad Levinson. Houghton Mifflin Company, $8.95, 1994 pages, Copyright 1989. Worth reading if you are marketing a video, book etc., Also some insights on getting media coverage.
Once Upon A Distant War—Young War Correspondents and the Early Vietnam war Battles by William Prochnau. Times Books—Random House, $27.50, 546 pages, Copyright 1995. History of the journalists who covered the first few years of the Vietnam War. Excellent book to help understand the pressures reporters are under. The reporters covered in this book were critical of the Vietnam war and took flak from all sides including other journalists. Ultimately you relate to reporters and this is where you will find openings.
Let the World Know—Make Your Cause News by Jason Salzman from Rocky Mountain Media
Watch. Call 303-832-7558 to order. $10.00, 74 pages, copyright 1995. This is a how-to- do-it book.
Strategic Communications for Nonprofits by Jossey-Bass Publishers Call 888-378-2537 to order. $27.95, 188 pages, copyright 1999. A step-by-step guide to working with the media.
Living Media by Peter Wirth, GW Associates, call 315-476-3396. Sixty minute audio cassette tape, copyright 1993 with downloadable text on GW web site, updated Dec. 2005, $11.49 includes postage and handling. CD version, copyright Jan. 2006 with 35 pages of additional resources, $13.49 includes postage and handling. Hear from activists who traveled to Third World countries how they got their story in print on radio and TV. Journalists share what they look for in a story and how to work with them. Excellent resource for anyone working with delegations or speaking tours.
Accessing the Media—12 minute activist video on how to generate news coverage on your issue, Chicago Video Project, Call 800-397-2282 or 312-271-1030 to order, $24.95, Copyright 1994
Getting Your Story in Print by GW Associates. Call 315-476-396. $21.95 includes postage and handling. 45 minute video, copyright 1995, Interview with a newspaper reporter who I worked with for 15 years. Covers various aspects of getting a story in print. Special emphasis on the importance of forming a relationship with reporters. Good insights for activists who plan to do media work over the long haul.
The Children by David Halberstam; Fawcett Books—The Ballantine Publishing Co. $17.95, 783 pages, copyright 1998. A moving account of the courage and vision of the early civil rights activists. One element focused on is how King and local activists strategically used the media to reach a national audience.
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