Excerpts from Letters of Endorsement
To see the full text of these letters, click on the link in the left hand column, or click on the headline for the letter.
Diocese of Washington, Office of the Bishop, Washington, DC
We at the Diocese of Washington commend you and your firm for the excellence of your professional work and the dynamism of your personal commitment.
The event which you handled, Two Sacred Paths: Christianity & Islam: A Call for Understanding was very high risk for us. There were many doubters and nay sayers both inside and outside our church.
You were a key player in meeting our challenge and making Two Sacred Paths a resounding success. Our performing arts evening in the national cathedral, for which an attendance of a few hundred had been predicted, drew almost 1,400. Our all day conference and workshop at which 50 participants had been expected sold out a week in advance at almost 400.
The advance publicity you generated was crucial to these huge turnouts. You also delivered both print and broadcast coverage of the event which exceeded our expectations.
Erik Schwarz
Event Manager
Conscience International, Atlanta, GA
After five years of work in Iraq's hospitals I had only received one invitation for a stateside television interview...
Suddenly, I found that I was besieged by a hundred reporters and twenty television cameras, all of whom pursued me day and night for interviews. Reporters called me here in Atlanta from Paris, Rome and Jerusalem. USA Today and CBS News sent crews to Baghdad; and BBC, Reuters and Associated Press became my acquaintances. The NY Times published an article. I received press clippings from ... all over the US. People in Europe and the Middle East contacted me to say they had seen me on television.
You really know how to get things done with the media. .....
James E, Jennings, PhD
Conscience International
Cultural Environment Movement, Philadelphia, PA
Peter Wirth has been providing media liaison and public relations services for me; the Cultural Environment Movement and various other research and publication efforts under my direction for almost two years.
Pete's efforts have been responsible for scores of media stories, interviews and invitations to give talks. In addition his advice and guidance in the preparation of public documents such as op-ed pieces has been invaluable.
Any organization that has a public mission is fortunate to have Pete Wirth's services.
George Gerbner
Dean Emeritus, The Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania
Founder and President
The Cultural Environment Movement
The Art of Massage, Syracuse, NY
The ongoing relationship with GW Associates has led to numerous media exposures that are of continuing benefit to us. Peter has made media work into a science - contacting journalists, editors and producers, finding news stories and pitching them, crafting a media strategy.
Recently we turned to GW Associates ..... In typical fashion, GW Associates brought the media to our door. In addition to front page newspaper coverage and radio stories across the dial, we received two excellent pieces on the evening news, one of them lasting a full three minutes.
Four months later we were still getting coverage. A reporter from the Health Care News who was cultivated by GW Associates called for a photo shoot and interview... Eleven thousand members of the health care profession now know about The Art of Massage.
I would recommend GW Associates to anyone who is seriously interested in getting their message out to the media. As part of as marketing strategy for any product, cause or social issue, the services they provide can't be beat.
Ed Griffin-Nolan, LMT
The Art of Massage
I can't tell you how much we appreciate the super job you did for us. The success of the premier of "Freedom's Call" - our documentary about two African American journalists who covered the Civil Rights Movement - was beyond expectations. .... The theater was packed, standing room only.
And, thanks to you the audience was not only large but very diverse. There were members of local churches, high school students from the city and suburbs, university folks, retired people and SU students from a number of schools.
Richard Breyer
"Freedom's Call"
Partners for Peace, Washington, DC
I have worked with Peter Wirth for six years...
He is an extremely effective trainer, quickly adapting the program to fit the audience, showing a sense of humor and yet keeping the elements of the training module moving along....
When Partners for Peace decided to develop the Jerusalem Women Speak tours we immediately we immediately secured Pete's services as media consultant...
The result was a phenomenal media tour with coverage we hadn't thought possible. Major newspaper coverage (Seattle Post Intelligence, ... St. Louis Post Dispatch, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and Atlanta Constitution..), radio talk shows (NPR stations, The Jim Bohannon show, a and dozens of syndicated programs) and extensive television interviews were supplemented by magazine and internet stories. We reached an estimated 80 million people.
I highly recommend Peter Wirth as an invaluable asset to any organization which is attempting to get its message before the public and for any media training...
Jerri Bird
South Side Newsstand, Syracuse, NY
It has been a great and successful time working with Peter Wirth at GW Associates. Peter was very effective in generating media coverage on my story and view on not selling tobacco products in my place of business. The story was featured in many local newspapers, newsletters, radio stations and also allowed an interview with one of the local TV stations.
He certainly displayed astonishing networking and other promotional skills in getting the message out. I would highly recommend his services and professional assistance.
Carol Perry
Interreligious Council of Central New York, Syracuse, NY
I am pleased to write an endorsement for Peter Wirth.
The IRC is a complex organization that works on behalf of many diverse recipients of its services and in partnership with a variety of other agencies. Mr. Wirth has demonstrated sophisticated awareness of their differences and nuances in helping identify channels through which to tell these diverse stories.
We are pleased to be among the clients of GW Associates and hope to continue our relationship.
Jim Wiggins
Deir Yassin Remembered, Geneva, NY
On September 24 we dedicated the first Deir Yassin memorial in the United States... Your help as our media consultant was invaluable. Thanks to your tireless efforts, we not only got TV coverage but we also got coverage in over 60 US newspapers, including the Washington Post and many foreign papers including the Guardian, The Daily Star and two Saudi newspapers.
Daniel A. McGowan
Executive Director
Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations, Albany, NY
On behalf of the members of the Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations I'd like to express our thanks for a job well done.
... The coverage you secured for our event (Bottle Bill Symposium) was much more extensive than we ever anticipated and given the natural, jaundiced nature of the news media, the success of your efforts was even more noteworthy. I continue to hear from colleagues and acquaintances of how they read about the event in the paper, or heard it on their favorite radio station, or saw it on the nightly news. We can't ask for better results.
Federation of NY Solid Waste Associations
Margretta E. Morris
NYS Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling, July 3, 2000, Syracuse, NY
For the past few years NYSAR3 has been working to encourage the adoption of state legislation that would allow grant funds for recycling education including salaries of recycling coordinators.
But it was after NYSAR3 contracted with Peter Wirth, GW Associates as organization publicist and as a result of his effort, that NYSAR3 received the kind of state and local attention required to elevate legislation to priority status in the state Senate and Assembly.
In a tight time frame Peter was able to formulate and implement a PR strategy that resulted in numerous articles, editorials and op-ed pieces supporting our bill.
Melaine O'Donnell
NYSAR3 President
Girls Incorporated of Central New York, Syracuse, NY
The Board of Directors and staff of Girls Incorporated appreciated your enthusiastic and generous work generating publicity for "Bloomers: Helping Girls Grow" ... our national mail order catalog.
Thanks to your advice and hard work ... Bloomers received media coverage including stories in the Syracuse newspapers, the Auburn Citizen, Finger Lakes Times, and Seneca Falls Review. ...Our product was mentioned on "Women's Voices," a Syracuse based radio program for a NPR affiliate... WTVH - Channel 5's "Community Connection" television show. And a short piece in the Christian Science Monitor.
Your energy and commitment led us to honor you with our agency's 1999 "Voices for Girl's Award." As the first man to receive this award, you have truly earned a spot in our organization's history.
In appreciation
Renee K. Gadoua
Board President
Sharon Alestalo
Executive Director
Westcott Community Center, Syracuse, NY
It is a pleasure to share the appreciation of the University Neighbors Lecture Committee for the work done on its behalf last year by Peter Wirth of GW Associates.
... The series was designed to foster a positive image of the neighborhood and to raise funds for the Westcott Community center. The fact that we exceeded our fund raising goals and established a reputation for the SERIES as a dynamic representation of talent in the neighborhood was due in no small measure to Mr. Wirth's constant efforts.
Grace Flusche
University Neighbor's Lecture Series
Rabbis for Human Rights, Israel
I highly recommend Peter Wirth for everything connected with public relations for visiting speakers.....
Peter knew who to contact in the varying media sources in both the general, Jewish and wider religious press.
Rabbi Arik Ascherman
Executive Director
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Washington, DC
Working on very short notice you were able to generate considerable media interest including coverage by three of the largest wire services. BBC's World Service, the Today Programme and C-Span. In addition Voice of America and Al-Jazzera coverage meant we reached substantial members in the Middle East.
Heidi S. Shoup
Executive Director
USS Liberty Veterans Association, Arlington, VA
Our association is quite pleased with the press coverage obtained by Peter Wirth of GW Associates and I would highly recommend his services. Mr. Wirth was quite successful in obtaining media coverage, particularly that which is syndicated...
Associate Press story; Op-ed distributed by Scripps Howard syndicated to about 400 newspapers; Christian Science Monitor; CBS radio segment; Christian Science Monitor radio segment; Hearst Newspaper story distributed to 500 newspapers; American Legion magazine story; Navy Times article; United Arab Emirates TV broadcast to Egypt.
It is safe to say that because of Peter Wirth's efforts, we achieved exposure to millions of people.
Reverdy S. Fishel
Associate Member
USS Liberty Veterans Association
I think that hiring you was one of the best moves that LIBERTY men ever made.... There was a huge amount of publicity and journalistic contact from your initiatives, and I had so many requests for notices or interviews that I lost count.
John Borne
Author of a dissertation on the USS Liberty incident
Golf Course Innovators for the Environment, Albany, NY
I wanted to tell you how much more confidence I now have in working with the press since meeting with you for a consultation.
Tracy Frisch
Project Coordinator
GW Associates • 702 S. Beech Street • Syracuse, NY 13210
Voice: 315-476-3396 • Fax: 603-590-8273