GW Associates Public Media

Media Coverage & Strategies
Humanitarian Supply Delegation to Cuba

Excerpts from a report by Hank Strunk, a Syracuse activist and participant on Pastors for Peace 3rd Friendshipment to Cuba 3/94

I was asked to reflect on my trip with regard to the actual media coverage I was able to generate for the greater Syracuse, NY area, how that coverage compared to other’s results, and the usefulness of the audio, tutorial tape, “Living Media - media training designed to bring your 3rd world experience to your community.

I found the tape very good both in rhetorical format and in the actual strategies and details suggested. Although I already feel that I have been savvy on media work for the last few years, I found myself embarrassed by the neglect of some obvious details that would have made this Cuba media project even richer. Certainly there are many caravaners out there who could benefit from the tape and this memo. Most caravaners that witnessed Syracuse coverage were amazed by our results.

From talking amongst the 250 caravaners, it was pretty clear that Syracuse had unique coverage both in terms of quality and quantity, beginning a week before the trip to two weeks after return.


During Trip


As we traveled along our caravan route, I noticed a variety of omissions in media coverage. . I am not blaming anyone. It is simply that media work requires serious attention and local progressives are often spread very thin and often, from past experience , contemplate media expecting the worst and thus act in a self defeating manner. Some of the flaws observed:

In addition to the information on GW Associate’s Living Media, here are a few suggestions from my own experience:

There are additional unique efforts that can be made to increase the number of stories generated in local media. They require advance planning to make sure they happen.

For example, meet with media journalists before the trip and brainstorm to develop a list of interesting stories that could be written around the trip. I met with a reporter from the Syracuse newspapers over coffee to suggest a list of topics such as AIDS and HIV treatment in Cuba; Tourism and its effect; Healthcare and education systems in Cuba etc. Some of these topics later appeared as articles

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